Yarn Spinners is the first volume in Marilla North’s biographical trilogy Come in Dymphna, which reanimates the life and times of Australian writer Dymphna Cusack for a contemporary audience.
Inspired by the letters exchanged between Dymphna Cusack, Florence James, Miles Franklin, and their contemporaries, North has woven together the threads of history that shaped these women’s lives and brought alive the struggles they encountered as they fought for human rights and social justice … and forged a path for Australian women writers in a male-dominated world.
First and foremost, however, Yarn Spinners expresses the ‘heart and soul’ of the powerful friendships that grew between these strong, passionate and witty women as they corresponded, collaborated and supported one another.
Together and individually they produced an extraordinary body of work that tackled issues central to the creation of a civilised and humane society. Their stories are becoming increasingly more relevant as we face the challenges of the 21st Century.
Published by Brandl & Schlesinger, Yarn Spinners is available in paperback from bookshops (see Stockists) or as a hardcover Collector’s Edition, dated and signed by the author, from this website.
Marilla will be on tour throughout 2017. See the event nearest to you in the calendar.
“Dymphna Cusack, Miles Franklin and Florence James come alive on these pages through their friendships, their aspirations, their passions and achievements, their disappointments, insecurities and triumphs.
Their writing was concurrent with their battles …They fought for law reform in many diverse arenas and did not shy away from exposing the tragic consequences of war or taking on the armament industry and highlighting the dangers of nuclear weapons.
Enjoy the essence of these three women’s lives as you sit at this miraculous window that North has constructed and gaze into their internal worlds.
Yarn Spinners is Volume One of Marilla North’s biographical trilogy on the life and times of Dymphna Cusack and her Congenials … Come in Dymphna.”